LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Tell local GOP a simple no

Saturday’s headline in the OA confirmed why I no longer consider myself a Republican after 65 years of voting in support. This is no...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: On Human Trafficking

I’ve been emailing our Senators about the human trafficking across our southern border and throughout our country. The bracketed below is the body of...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Police don’t randomly kill citizens

The Democrats, and liberals in general, are still making a lot of noise about how police are murdering black people, and claiming that the...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Denying voting rights is wrong

Our country is sick. We have a cancer growing on the body politic and rather than doing anything to diminish the cancer, we are...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Right to life is most important

I really got a “You must be kidding” from the Sunday letters May 30, 2021. People in the know realize that Conservatives support the...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Texas Democrats At It…Again.

They pulled this same stunt a couple times a few years ago. Walked out to prevent having a quorum for a vote. Some even...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Manchin doing the right thing

What is going on with our elected officials? Vice President Harris was appointed to head a group to fix our border crisis which she...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Councilman responds to mayor’s letter to the editor

EDITOR’S NOTE: Councilman Steve Thompson responds to Mayor Javier Joven’s Thursday letter to the editor. Thompson has gone point by point through Joven’s letter....

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mayor will vote no on water plant improvement

It is probably one of the worst kept secrets in Odessa that, as your Mayor, I am completely opposed to using the loophole in...

OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR JAVIER JOVEN: Church leaders say remarks were disparaging

Dear Mayor Joven, We greet you in Christian love and want you to know that we pray for all of our community leaders. Connection Christian...