OPEN LETTER TO MAYOR JAVIER JOVEN: Church leaders say remarks were disparaging

Dear Mayor Joven, We greet you in Christian love and want you to know that we pray for all of our community leaders. Connection Christian...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Mayor busy bearing false witness and not leading

Recently, Mayor Javier Joven of Odessa commented during an online discussion with several pastors that my husband, Councilman Tom Sprawls, would vote against the...


I want to thank Mr Biden for brokering the cease fire between Israel and Hamas; his efficient roll out of the covid vaccine; and...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: 39 and holding

It does not feel like I have lived in Odessa for 39 years, but here I am!!! I wanted to thank all my friends...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Masks are no longer required?

Long long time ago, people in the USA existed without face masks. Then, the grand pooh-bah of our government, Dr. Anthony Fauchi, declared they...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Letter was just nonsense

Last week, Oswald Ames wrote a letter urging families to stop buying meat to save the planet from climate change. The author suggested plant-based...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: When history repeats

It’s disgusting to witness the American Democrat regime falsely proclaim that millions of Americans are inherently racist and a domestic threat to America. Their...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Plant-based meat may be way to go

So, I heard on Fox News that President Biden may be banning meat to combat global warming. Then I remembered that Colorado Democrat Governor...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Legal gun owners aren’t the issue

As a reply to Jennifer Little’s letter in the 4/25/21 Odessa American, wherein she decries the possibility of Texas passing the Constitutional Carry bill...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Quiroz is good for MCH board

Dr. Ben Casey Quiroz has learned a tremendous amount about the medical system, having served the last four years on the MCH Board representing...