LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Thanks to all veterans

Veterans are an important part of all our lives because they protected the freedoms we enjoy. After their service in the U.S. military, veterans...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Congratulations on award

Kudos to the OA for the Spirit of FOI award. I’m proud of you. As a regular reader, I enjoy your timely and informative...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Residents should have been notified of blast

I live in Lawndale just north of the open area between Schlemeyer Field and 86th Street. Today (22 October) just after 2:00 PM, a...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s drop the hyphens in America

I wish that all the people who live in America (at least, all the legal residents) would start being Americans, instead of hyphenated Americans! What...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Respectful conversation easy to watch

It was such a pleasure to watch an adult interview last night between Anderson Cooper and Robert Gates as part of the 60 Minutes...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Hockey is great for Odessa

I would like to start by providing you the history of how I became an avid hockey supporter. I hope this will emphasize how...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Commissioners court a weak group

I know it’s astonishing to have to ask but I’m wondering if we have ever had a weaker group of Ector County commissioners and,...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Pray for common sense

A pox on both the Democratic and Republican members of Congress. They were elected to represent the American people and they invoke the name...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: COVID is a challenge of fear

I teach at Odessa High School, and have lately become terrified to go to work. I should say why this is so. COVID-19 is...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Biden should resign in disgrace

Apparent evidence of a phone call which General Milley made to a Chinese general has surfaced, indicating that Milley advised General Li that, if...