NATIONAL VIEW: Gun violence scourge can’t be scrubbed out with one or two changes

Gun violence is so regular an occurrence in the United States that no incident, however tragic, comes as a surprise. But events in recent...

TONI SAYS: Does enrolling in COBRA cause a Medicare nightmare?

  By Toni King Dear Toni: I lost my job in October 2021 due to COVID layoffs in the oil industry and my wife and I are...

GUEST VIEW: Cardiac screening should be routine for young athletes

By Lisa Tennenbaum The recent “Monday Night Football” game between the Buffalo Bills and the Cincinnati Bengals was suddenly suspended, and the last thing on...

LANDGRAF: Let’s talk about the budget surplus

By State Rep. Brooks Landgraf Earlier this month Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced that the Texas Legislature would start the legislative session in 2023 with...

TEXAS VIEW: Legislators should use $33 billion surplus to meet state needs

As public policy dilemmas go, it’s not a bad one to have. Over the next four months, the 88th Texas Legislature will wrestle with how...

ELDER: Obama warns about the ‘raw sewage’ of disinformation — ignores Democrats’ garbage

In the wake of the “Twitter Files,” let’s revisit former President Barack Obama’s warning last April about the spread of misinformation: “You just have...

TEXAS VIEW: Confederate day honors traitors who fought for slavery

Odds are, last Thursday’s state holiday came and went without most Texans noticing it. It’s a measure of progress that few Texans celebrate Confederate Heroes...

SULLUM: IRS serves its ‘customers’ by terrifying them

As tax season begins, the IRS is making a show of using its newly expanded budget to improve the agency’s “customer service,” mainly by...

TEXAS VIEW: Boil water notices are increasing in Texas, and we should be worried

Droughts, parched farms, ranches and instructions to water lawns less frequently are part of life in Texas. Unfortunately, so too are aging, neglected water...

NATIONAL VIEW: Pete Buttigieg’s big airline ‘glitch’

Only a few weeks ago, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg roasted Southwest Airlines for problems that led to thousands of canceled flights. Yet Mr. Buttigieg...