NUGGETS: What is happening?

By Jannie Linney

Many think life will continue to go on as usual. Many think “Oh this will pass and we can get back to normal.”

What is normal? It is so hard for us to conceive that life is changing. I know I didn’t, until I could look back on so many years. Those of you that can remember back thirty to seventy years can sure see that what was normal then is sure not normal now.

God never changes, ”Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever” [Heb.13:8]. What was a sin when the bible was written is still a sin today. Just because mankind has accepted it, does not make it right. Well, we as Christians know the bible says the wicked will get more wicked and the righteous will become more like Jesus. What is scary to me is when you can’t tell who is supposed to be the Christians and who is not!

“And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that says I know Him and keeps not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But those who keep His word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby we know, that we are in Him” [1 John 2:3-5]. If we continue in reading His word, we are being perfected. The word cleanses. The word is our spiritual food. If we ate the same amount of physical food as we do spiritual food, could we live? If we spent the same amount of time with our natural family as we do with our spiritual family, would they even know us?

As Christians, we should be growing more each day. We should not be the same as we were at this time last year. We are living in a very prophetic moment in time. Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. Jesus will soon be returning for His Church. We are not talking about those who have joined an organization, but those who are living with Him, those who hear His voice. He said “my sheep hear my voice and will follow no other.” If we keep His word.

Christians are living in the most exciting time. Even though the enemy is trying to wipe out anything that looks like Jesus, we are strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Glory! God has given us promises “these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” [Mark 16:16-18]. Some say “Well I don’t believe that.” Then don’t worry about it, it will not happen for you. The bible says “Believe and you will receive.” “Without faith you cannot please God” [Heb.11:6]. So, unbelievers do not have to worry about miracles happening for them. ”Behold , I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy: nothing shall by any means hurt you” [Luke 10 19-20]. Awesome!!

Do you want people to be able to tell the difference in you and the world? Do you want the promises that are available for you? The Bible says a lot about repentance. We can confess our sins, but if we don’t repent, we have not pleased God. So, ask Him to forgive you, then repent [which means turn from that sin]. Ask Him for a fresh start. He has a plan for your life. Get in on “What is happening.”