LETTER TO EDITOR: Time to invest in our schools

I am writing this letter to examine deficits in the education of ECISD students due to a lack of facilities or to an overcrowding of existing facilities.

Odessa is a unique blend of oil and gas industries located along side higher education facilities in a basin which is home to historic cattle ranches. We are also a region which loves our athletic competitions!

I mention the following the following vignette only because it is analogous to our present student population situation. I had the privilege of beginning my teaching career at the “old” Crockett Junior High School on 10th street. I was a “floating” teacher with three different subjects and laboratory preparations….while moving between four different portable classrooms. It was a challenge to push a lab cart loaded with student ready equipment.

One of the most exciting days of my career was the day we moved approx. 1,500 students carrying their textbooks, and notebooks in their arms while loading on to school buses and moving to the “new” Crockett Junior High School on Conover St. This move took place in sub-freezing weather 48 years ago! Almost 1/2 century has passed since!

One half century later we are asking for desperately needed facilities to house, educate, prepare and benefit the students with future job opportunities in the industries and future industries of West Texas. In addition we need priority maintenance for every campus. We have to take care of and maintain existing facilities in addition to new ones. The school bonds covered in props A, B, and C will come with NO TAX RATE INCREASE. Thank you for considering the educational opportunities and benefits for all of the students of ECISD.


Katherine C. (K.C.) Watkins

Jim Watkins