LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Support for students is needed now

Hello Odessa! As a product of ECISD, I must say that I strongly support the school board’s decision to move forth with a recommendation...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote yes to props A and B

I wanted to ask all the citizens of Ector County to vote for YES for the school bond proposition A and B. I am...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bond is needed now to help students

I am proud to serve as this year’s chair of the Board of Directors of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce. This opportunity has allowed...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: May is mental health month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As a volunteer and advocate with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, this month I am asking everyone...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Move out of the comfort box

The Sunday letter from Ted Tuminowski a couple weeks ago shed daylight on the usual, predictable, self-serving methods our ECISD employs to dig deeper...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Now is the time to vote yes

As a second generation Odessan that was educated in ECISD attending west side schools and graduating from OHS, I have always thought that Odessa...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote yes for the ECISD Bond

There are a lot of great community minded people that have served on the facilities committee and the TRE tax ratification election committee and...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Let’s grow together Odessa

I am writing this letter to the editor to help everyone to try and envision what Odessa can and will be in future years. We...

GUEST VIEW: Community asked to trust ECISD on bond propositions

Karen and I had the privilege of growing up in Odessa and raising our three sons here. All five of us were educated in...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bond is crucial for future of Odessa

Kudos to Lisa Wyman and Charles Cotten for their recent stance in promoting the importance of Odessans voting for the FUTURE of our public...