LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Move out of the comfort box

The Sunday letter from Ted Tuminowski a couple weeks ago shed daylight on the usual, predictable, self-serving methods our ECISD employs to dig deeper into the taxpayers’ nearly empty pockets. The district, like the city and county, should be fat with cash due to the tax base expansion during the past 20+ year surge in home and apartment building construction. They will not think outside the box they are comforted in.

Before the last bond that funded the expansion we’re still on the hook for, I offered solutions. They were obviously ignored. Well, here it is again.

Return to the 6 period schedule. Open at least one high school for night school classes. Pay those teachers an additional enhancement to teach a period or two at night. Hire some former/retired teachers for night positions. There are many students who have a difficult time working and attending day school. Many are among the drop outs we lose to that schedule conflict. Night school would be a student benefit, an effective use of existing facilities, and could well be afforded within a streamlined budget without a bond.

Restructure the administration manning/positions in ECISD to improve the management of the district. Contract out in-district maintenance to improve maintenance and reduce taxpayer cost. Our city businesses can employ any qualified district maintenance personnel as they compete for that maintenance service. Sell off all those district facilities, inventories, and vehicles used for those maintenance functions.

Doug Moss
