Keepin’ it cool as temperatures rise

By Taylor Sutton, MS, RD

United Supermarkets’ Lifestyle Desk

Spring is here, but with the Texas heat it might feel more like summer. With temperatures rising, making sure your nutrition and hydration intake is adequate can be key to feeling your best all summer long. Here are some of our feel good summer tips.


Water is everything. It keeps your skin clear, your weight managed, and your body hydrated. Maintaining hydration also helps regulate body temperature, metabolism and much more. Staying hydrated while out in the heat is key when spending time outdoors.

Did you know there are over 26 million sweat glands throughout the body? During hot temperatures, these glands release sweat (or water) to help cool you off and dehydration can occur with as little as a 2% change in body water composition. In short, plan on drinking 8-10 glasses a day minimum. Water is our first choice for hydrating yourself, but foods like oranges, leafy greens, and watermelon are also full of fluids and a good way to help increase hydration during meal times.


Think of your meals and snacks like fueling a car. If you don’t put gas in the tank your car won’t run efficiently, or at all. Much like the car analogy, our bodies need fuel in order to simply exist as well as perform at a higher level with additional heat, activities or a workout. Consuming a diet that is rich in produce, low-fat dairy, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates is critical for success. With these food groups in mind we suggest staying flexible as you are a unique individual.

You know your body best so if you are sensitive or allergic to something take it out. If you like having fun foods in the diet, find your balance. Summer is an excellent time to play around with your lifestyle choices as it is a new season full of possibilities be it down the grocery store isle to trying a different form of exercise.


If you haven’t already been on some form of a fad diet, don’t start now. There are plenty of diets out there that promise success so while there might be some short-term effects will it give you the long term success you are looking for? Probably not.

Lean in to creating a lifestyle that suits your needs. Summer is a fantastic time to add things like more produce be it, fresh, frozen or canned. It’s also another great time to experiment with grilling, a popular method to not only keep your AC bill down but also great for building layers of flavor without the extra calories.

Raspberry Lemon Smoothie


1 chobani Greek raspberry yogurt

1 chobani Greek lemon yogurt

1, 6oz pkg Raspberries

1/2 c. ultra filtered milk


1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth!