LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Why keep talking about diversity

Since diversity seems to be the catchword of the day, I have a few thoughts about it.

Professional basketball teams are approximately 80% Black, so, in the interest of more diversity, why aren’t the liberals and Democrats screaming for more white, Asian, and Mexican basketball players? Also, since all the team members seem to be close to seven feet tall, why are they not trying to recruit more short players? Are they short-shaming?

Professional football teams are 65% Black, so, same question.

Why aren’t they recruiting more Asian, white, and Mexican footballers?

Also, all professional jockeys seem to be about five feet tall and weigh about a 110 pounds. Why are the liberals not screaming for some 250 pound jockeys? Are they fat-shaming? And, conversely, why are there no skinny sumo wrestlers?

Are they thin-shaming?

To be a member of MENSA, you must be in the top 2% of IQ ranges, so why are there no idiots in MENSA? Are they discriminating against people who are intellectually challenged?

Why can women of all races compete in the Miss America pageant, but white, Asian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, etc women cannot compete in Miss Black America pageants? that sure sounds like racism to me!

Why is there eve a Miss Black America pageant, to start with?

And, why are there Black Chambers of Commerce, and Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, but no white Chambers? Why is there an NAACP, but no NAAWP? Looks like more racism!

Just some random thoughts.

Sandy Milner
