VILLATORO: Rock ’n’ roll

By Gian Carlo Villatoro

Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa

Many years ago, a couple of generations ago, millions of young people were captivated by the sound of that type of music. Their parents, their teachers, and their pastors and church leaders, entirely disapproved that genre.

That was not the first time a generational change hit this planet. It is the story of forever. However, now that we are the parents or grandparents, we have tremendous difficulty comprehending the preferences of our children and grandchildren about music, clothing, etc.

Is it really the music that bothers us? Is it the lyrics? Is it the tattoos or the piercing? Is it the color of their hair? What is it?

Imagine that you could go back to the 50s or 60s and question the parents and community leaders, what is the problem with people twisting while they’re dancing?

You see, the issue then and the issue now has nothing to do with the music style, dancing or the clothing. No. The issue is fear.

Parents and grandparents are afraid that the new generations will go in the wrong direction. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex outside of marriage. Homosexuality, and the rest of the bad things that come with it, stealing, cheating, lying, hurting people, in one word: crime.

Is it really the guy sharing the drugs that is the true bad guy, while the kids or young people get together?

The answer is no. He is just a fool, a puppet. Unfortunately, in our societies, there are groups that are making millions and millions of dollars with the drug business. And believe it or not, some of them even could be political leaders, and leaders in positions of authority in all areas of cities, state, and even in the country.

If only you knew that maybe one of those guys that looks clean and hangs out with everybody, and seems to be nice and clean, perhaps, is one of the responsible ones for the destruction of your city.

The Scripture declares that the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Timothy 6.10)

Behind all criminal activity, behind all the corruption in our city, state and the country, is where the forces of the darkness is, where the power of Satan keeps control in the mind of evildoers, because they do not surrender to God.

I truly hope that someone reading this note today will realize that even if he cannot stop all the evil in the world, by stop being part of that drug business and quitting, will make a difference in our community.

Parent and grandparent: keep praying for your children and grandchildren. Keep loving them, keep inviting them to come to your home and have a nice meal. Do not give up on your kids. There is nothing impossible for our Almighty God.

Come back to God, the Kingdom of God is near.