YMCA will operate city pools this year

The Odessa City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve a $495,000 contract for the YMCA to operate the city’s aquatic facilities for 10 weeks over the summer.

City Parks and Recreation Director Steve Patton said two organizations bid on the contract and the parks advisory board recommended the YMCA based on past successes. The other organization was from Georgia.

Although the city had only budgeted $232,732 for the pools, Patton said the parks’ budget could fund the remaining portion. During last week’s work session, Patton said the difference in cost pertained to labor.

City council members Mari Willis and Detra White spoke in favor of the YMCA with White saying she believes the city “got burned last year” by the company that received the contract.

“It went bad from the very beginning,” White said.

Patton said the council will receive a report at the end of the season complete with expenditures, revenues and attendance numbers.

Council member Mark Matta abstained from the vote because his wife works for the YMCA.