Board to discuss filling vacancy

Filling the District 7 vacancy on the Ector County ISD Board of Trustees, discussing the proposed bond issue and an update on the strategic plan are a few of the items the panel will discuss during a work session set for 6 p.m. Tuesday in the first floor board room of the administration building, 802 N. Sam Houston Ave.

Nelson Minyard, who served in the District 7 spot, resigned in January. He moved out of Odessa.

Minyard had been on the board since 2013 and his current term expires in 2025.

At the last board meeting, trustees agreed to appoint someone to fill out Minyard’s term.

Mike Atkins, attorney for ECISD, said anyone that is appointed will serve until the next election cycle, which would be May 2023. If that person chose to run, or anyone else chose to run, they would fill a term from 2023-2025.

The district could have also held a special election.

ECISD also is considering having a bond election in May.

Priorities identified by the bond advisory committee were a facility life cycle repairs; a new career and technical education facility; technology upgrades and a new third comprehensive high school. The estimated cost would come to about $416 million.

The committee recommended that the bond not exceed $400 million.

The board is continuing to work on cutting that amount.

Trustees will also hear a quarterly update on the district’s strategic plan.

Supplemental agenda material said the district began work on the strategic plan, The Future is Now, in March 2019 to guide the work of the district through 2024.

Topics covered today will include systematizing equity based funding; implementing a Learning Management System, and high-impact tutoring.

Trustees will also meet in closed session to consider the superintendent’s recommendation to terminate the probationary contract of Jovan Jacob Lopez Pando, the agenda said.

They will also hear a presentation on humanities.