Nimitz student arrested for bringing gun to school

Thursday afternoon Odessa Crime Stoppers received a tip that a student at Nimitz Middle School was in possession of a gun. Ector County ISD police officers quickly found the student, an 8th grade girl, and discovered she had a handgun in her backpack, an ECISD news release said.

According to the release, officers secured the gun and arrested the student for Places Weapons Prohibited a 3rd Degree Felony. The girl stated to officers she brought it as protection for someone else.

“The Odessa Crime Stoppers program has been part of ECISD for many years and has proven to be an effective tool in our effort to keep our schools and our community as safe as possible. It worked for us again today. This is a scary situation, and the school and the district will address it. We are asking for parents’ help, too. Please talk to your children about how dangerous — not to mention illegal — it is for them to have a weapon. Please check to see what they are putting into their backpacks or other bags. This is work we must do together to keep our kids safe,” the release said.