Name: Greg Connell

Age: 68 years

Candidate website: (Setup just for donations)

Candidate Facebook page: (Communications)

Treasurer name and contact information: Sandra Cornwell PO Box 12331 Odessa, TX 79768

1. How long have you lived at your current address?

5 years

2. What elected offices have you held and when? Also, what other officers have you run for?

Very first time running for an elected office.

3. Occupation:

>> Texas Test Administrator, Randstad USA. Recruiter called last March. Asked if I would work for them.

State Starr testing 3rd to 8th graders. Seasonal.

>> DSP, a Direct Support Professional. 6 years. CIS – Community Integrated Services.

>> I have been in Banking management, owned a Portrait Studio – downtown Abilene, officer for a Corporation.

I’ve seen a lot of years, lot’s of life experiences.

I have been retired for five years, although today, semi-retired. I have investment income, etc.

4. Education:

1980 University Of Nebraska, Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs and Community Services.

Memorial High School, Houston, TX.

5. Family:

Divorced many years ago. One adult son, Chris Connell.

6. Why are you seeking this office?

My vote on council will help to keep the city spending efficient, prioritized, budgeted and beneficial to all families in our community.

My goal is to help keep the Odessa community strong, prosperous and sovereign citizens. We live in unprecedented times!

As I was called and served in the US Marines, today I felt called to get involved within the City of Odessa, as a Conservative, Christian Republican.

I was encouraged to run for District 4 City Council, by a few leadership members, within the GOP.

Today I am running unopposed.

7. What qualifies you to hold this office?

A U.S. citizen and veteran.

Well traveled. Educated. I have always been known as a peacekeeper and negotiator.

We need another person with these skills, within the leadership structure of Odessa. I have volunteered as a

CASA for the Courts and a VIP for ECISD and I have received several awards, but receiving awards, was certainly not my goal for giving back to this and other communities.

City Council is elected, non salaried. I see it as, very honored, volunteer work, for my community, something I enjoy doing.

8. Have you ever been charged with a crime?

Only three or so parking tickets and paid, in my lifetime. No, never charged with any type of crime.

9. Given the state of politics in the world today, what approach would you take should your opinion differ from others on the council?

As I mentioned above, I have always been known as a peacekeeper and negotiator. Always listen very carefully to the opposing opinion. Then compare the two opposing facts, feelings and needs. With a clear understanding of (both) sides of the argument. Negotiate.

10. What is the most important issue facing the Odessa City Council?

Yes, we have issues with our infrastructure, particularly water.

The Game Rooms, now … not being able to renew their license. Smart move.

But many cannot see the forest, because of the trees. I am new to city politics. A fresh look into the trees.

The most significant issue that I see is a little division. We are all Texans and that is a special breed! And something to be proud of.

The ODC, the City Manager, Council, the Mayor and other segments, need to work together like a winning football team and as Odessa Proud – Texans.

It’s a very common problem in many cities. It’s just human nature, systems not functioning at their highest capacity.

We need to work on rising above that, with our differences and simply focus on what is good for the majority of the citizens in Odessa.