CATES: Safety first for a fun family Halloween

By Carol A. Cates, MSN, MBA, RN

Chief Nursing Officer

Odessa Regional Medical Center

Halloween is not my favorite holiday, but it’s up there. Especially when my kids were small and now that my grandkids are small. The costumes and trick-or-treating are always such fun. But with that fun does come some risk. That is why it is so important to always add safety into your Halloween plans. The U.S. Food and Drug Association (FDA) and several other child safety organizations have several tips for keeping your family safe as they enjoy their Halloween fun.

When choosing a costume, make sure it is flame resistant. If you are making a costume, choose flame-resistant fabrics such as polyester or nylon. Choose bright, reflective costumes or add strops of reflective tape to be more visible. Make sure costumes aren’t tripping hazards. If you choose a mask, make sure it’s not one that obscures vision. Hats and makeup are generally safer alternatives to masks.

Make sure you test make-up 24-48 hours in advance by putting a small amount on the arm of the person who will be wearing. If a rash, redness, swelling, or any other signs of irritation happen, that could be a sign of an allergy, and its best to use a different product. When choosing make-up, make sure color additives are non-toxic. The FDA has a list of color additives that have been approved for use in make-ups on their website Do not use products that have not been approved, especially around the eyes, nostrils, or mouth. Beware of decorative contact lenses that have not been prescribed and fitted by an eye care professional. Any other types of contacts are illegal in the U.S. because they can cause permanent damage to vision, but even with the laws prohibiting use, those contacts can still be purchased on-line or through disreputable sellers. Speaking as someone who lives with a person who has permanent visual damage due to an injury, your vision is priceless, and not worth winning a Halloween costume contest. If you really want to wear decorative contacts, go to an eye care specialist.

When it comes to safe treats, remember to never eat candy or other treats until they have been inspected by an adult in good lighting at home. The FDA recommends giving kids a snack before they go out, so they are less tempted to nibble on a treat from their Halloween bag. If your child has food allergies, remember to check labels on treats, and be on the look out for houses with teal-colored pumpkins. Teal pumpkins are a sign of houses that give out non-food treats to kids to avoid allergen issues. Do not accept or eat anything that is not commercially wrapped. If you have small children, make sure you remove any choking hazards such as gum, peanuts, hard candies, or toys from Halloween bags. When inspecting candy look for signs of tampering, such as unusual appearance or discoloration, tiny pinholes, or tears in wrappers. Throw away anything that looks concerning.

If you haven’t already carved your pumpkin, leave pumpkin carving to adults. Kids can trace designs and scoop out the insides. Even better, avoid carving altogether and use paint to decorate your pumpkin. Avoid live flames in pumpkins, use glowsticks or battery-operated lights instead.

Plan your decorations so trick-or-treaters coming to your door are safe, and your home stays safe, too. Make sure your outdoor decorations don’t block windows, doors, or security features of your home. Make sure paths are clear and free of tripping hazards. Make sure lights are cleared for indoor versus outdoor use and don’t have broken sockets or frayed wires.

Think about your pets with Halloween safety as well. Keep treats out of their reach, as many candies are toxic to pets. Make sure that pets are kept away from decorations that could be hazardous to them. Costumes can be stressful to some pets, so watch your pet carefully if they are around costumed people. Keep pets calm as trick-or-treaters come to the door and make sure they are easily identified in case they get out.

Finally, pay close attention if you are walking or driving when trick-or-treaters are about. Keep small children close and put your phone away. Enter and exit driveways and alleys carefully and slow down, especially in residential areas.

Have fun and be safe, and I hope you have a very Happy Halloween!