BRASWELL: Real freedom

By Dr. Jimmy Braswell

Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa

From the everyday coffee shops and doughnut houses across America to the church parking lots on Sundays — we all have the freedom to share what we really think.

We solve the world’s problems from our chairs and stand firm in our opinions. As much as many are irritated by the opinions of others and complain of the complainers and all they have to say — thank God we are free to do so. We can share our opinions openly without the fear of reprisal or persecution except from the different opinions of others.

It is certainly a freedom we take for granted, but is one that we all utilize every day. Though you may not agree with me or believe as I do, you and I have the freedom we celebrate this July 4th to believe as we choose and share our opinions as we like.

I don’t utilize Facebook and hear complaints from those who do often but I can still thank God we are free to share all that information and all those opinions at the same time.

Take time this year to thank God for the freedom you have to share your opinions and all the media information you do. Thank God I can write this article and it is published in a public newspaper called the Odessa American.