Ellen Noël hosting Demo & Donuts

The Ellen Noël Art Museum of the Permian Basin will host Demo & Donuts at 11 a.m. May 1 at 4919 E. University Blvd.

Demo & Donuts will feature a live demolition of the former façade of the Ellen Noël Art Museum. Visitors can not only partake in the visual demolition, but also socialize and enjoy refreshments for the occasion.

Demo & Donuts is just one of the many ways in which the Ellen Noël Art Museum wishes to keep the community abreast of its $20 million renovation. In addition to this demo, you are invited to also visit the current gallery featuring Awkward Family Photos: The Exhibition.

Break out your old family photo albums, because they want you to be a part of the fun. Send your own awkward family photos over to Karli at [email protected], and they will feature them alongside the exhibit and on social media until June 2.

Awkward Family Photos: The Exhibition is created by the minds behind AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com.