NUGGETS: Free or paid for

By Jannie Linney  Each of us, when we hear or see the word “free” we have curiosity rise up in us, wanting to check it...

DAWNINGS: Keeping churches healthy and people protected

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks  Pastor, Connection Christian Church  Many have heard the news of the scathing report on the coverup of sexual abuse within a...

HOLLAND: When we are weak; He is strong

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C.ED.D Minister/Chaplain/Author How much grace does it take to love our enemies and those who have hurt us? Well, that’s...

COLEMAN: The Southern Baptist Convention

By Landon Coleman Pastor, Immanuel I am a lifelong Southern Baptist, a two-time graduate of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and the pastor of a Southern...

THE IDLE AMERICAN: And then they shook hands

It’s an expression rarely heard these days, perhaps because there are so many lenses through which life-in-a-hurry can be viewed. When’s the last time...

Nero started Christians’ persecution

There were more bad Roman emperors than good ones, but one of the worst was Nero, who began the empire’s pattern of persecuting Christians. Clergymen...

DAWNINGS: Offer support during Mental Health Awareness Month

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks Pastor, Connection Christian Church It’s mental health awareness month! The Christian gospels tell us many stories of Jesus healing people who...

BRASWELL: Mother’s Day

By Dr. Jimmy Braswell Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa On Sunday we celebrate, as every year, our appreciation for Mothers, living and dead. Every time I lead...

COLEMAN: The kindness of Jesus

By Landon Coleman Pastor, Immanuel This week I read John 21, and I was struck by the kindness of Jesus. This final chapter in the fourth...

HOLLAND: Taking a moment to share my life and appreciation

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C. ED.D. Ordained/Licensed Christian minister For those of you that read this column, I hope the insights and considerations are...