DAWNINGS: Keeping churches healthy and people protected

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks 

Pastor, Connection Christian Church 

Many have heard the news of the scathing report on the coverup of sexual abuse within a Baptist denomination. I’m grateful for colleagues who are serving as pastors of Southern Baptist churches who have spoken out in support of these victims of abuse.

I was ordained to the pastorate in a Southern Baptist church in the 1990’s. I knew victims of abuse and endured sexual harassment while on staff of a Southern Baptist church myself. Infuriatingly, this problem is present in many denominations.

Church is the most wonderful place in the world for people to grow in faith and self-esteem when congregations are healthy, transparent, and accountable. When churches become secretive and protective of those in power rather than the vulnerable, a precious bond of trust is broken and lives must be painstakingly rebuilt.

So how do you know if a church is healthy? How can a church do the right thing to be a place of accountability? Here are some questions to ask.

  • What is required to be a leader in the church? Are background checks or special training needed? My current denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) requires in-depth background checks and regular anti-abuse training for clergy, camp counselors, and other leaders.
  • How are staff, including the pastor, supervised? Are they given feedback in an appropriate process or are they “too big to fail?”
  • What is the system of accountability for the church? Is it a part of a wider denomination or network of churches with a supervising minister who oversees the health of clergy and holds them accountable? Or is it a “stand alone” church with no wider connection or responsibility?
  • Are women in leadership circles at the highest levels? If not, how are women to be heard?

These are a few of the questions that help a church get healthy and stay healthy. Our community needs our churches to be strong, faithful, integritous, and accountable. I join you in prayer that all of our churches in the Permian Basin take time and effort to be healthy. May we be the very best we can be at taking care of all people as we proclaim the gospel and may we let nothing hinder our mission of sharing hope with the world!

Worship with us in-person Sundays @ 9am or @ 11am @ 4241 Tanglewood or on Facebook @odessaconnect