TEXAS VIEW: Who will pay for the failures of Texas’ winter storm?

It wasn’t enough for Texans to shiver for days in our heatless houses. It wasn’t enough to miss work for lack of internet. For...

TEXAS VIEW: Texas wisely ends its policy of barring clergy from execution chamber

After two years of barring all spiritual advisers from the state's execution chamber, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice has wisely reversed course. On...

TEXAS VIEW: Governor, where is the evidence at Freeman?

Gov. Greg Abbott owes the public either an explanation or an apology about the serious and unfounded allegations of child abuse he made last...

TEXAS VIEW: GOP lawmakers trust you with a gun — but not with the...

Texas Republican lawmakers say we should assume a person walking down the street, gun holstered to hip, is a law-abiding citizen entitled to carry...

TEXAS VIEW: Officials could be trying again to avoid public notice mandate

Texas lawmakers appear ready to make yet another effort to weaken state laws that keep the people informed of what they’re doing and how...

TEXAS VIEW: Who are my parents?

In Texas, this story is all too typical. A child placed in foster care at birth is adopted and embarks on a journey to...

NATIONAL VIEW: Did Maryland’s former medical examiner wrongfully favor police?

David Fowler, Maryland’s former longtime chief medical examiner, drew national attention recently when he testified in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek...

TEXAS VIEW: Ed Gonzalez the right pick to help Biden bring balance to ICE

Compassion isn’t the first word on the tip of anyone’s tongue when discussing U.S. immigration policy. But in tapping Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez...

TEXAS VIEW: Lawmakers must pick up where Chauvin’s jury left off

The Minnesota jurors who convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin last week of murder affirmed the truth we all saw in the video of...

TEXAS VIEW: Now is not the time to not get vaccinated

Have you gotten yours? This is one of the most important questions being asked nowadays. It is even more important if you can honestly answer “Yes.” The...