TEXAS VIEW: Deepfake nudes and AI porn torment teens

Volleyball practice. Bible study. The English essay due next week. These are the things that once occupied 14-year-old Elliston Berry’s mind. Then came Ellis’ rude...

TEXAS VIEW: Test scores show Texas schools are on fire. Parents, what will you...

If a hitter in baseball is successful in a third of his attempts, he’s a superstar. In most of the rest of life, reaching...

TEXAS VIEW: Heed surgeon general’s warning, place labels on social media

We see them everywhere, teenagers cocooned in their own private universes, oblivious to the sights and sounds around them. The adolescents embody a curious...

TEXAS VIEW: Mental health program for Texas cops goes statewide

Law enforcement officers across the United States are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty, according to the Centers...

TEXAS VIEW: Heat and cars are deadly combination

Leaving children alone in a car is dangerous in the best of circumstances and in some cases illegal, even when heat is not a...

TEXAS VIEW: State should rethink removal of nonprofit health systems from Medicaid, CHIP programs

Texas officials should rethink their decision to drop nonprofit healthcare systems such as the Driscoll Children’s Health Plan from its list of Medicaid and...

TEXAS VIEW: Texas GOP, Dems agree on housing crisis

Cities should loosen zoning without targeting single-family neighborhoods as the problem. When lawmakers return to Austin early next year, housing affordability — most notably reducing...

TEXAS VIEW: Texas election law threatens voter confidentiality

A sense of alarm about the erosion of voter privacy has been growing among Texas election officials the past few months. It came to...

TEXAS VIEW: Dogs are being dumped all over rural Texas roads

A recent social media post told of a cruel scene in the small North Texas town of Valley View: Someone in a truck stopped...

TEXAS VIEW: Appointment of anti-abortion activist taints Texas’ maternal death review

The review of maternal deaths in Texas has long been questionable. Those questions have been magnified with the recent appointment of a San Antonio-based doctor,...