TEXAS VIEW: Abbott’s razor wire is maiming migrants

There’s a reason Native Americans called barbed wire the “devil’s rope.” The cruel embrace of the spikes offered 19th century settlers the solution they’d been...

TEXAS VIEW: If Texas troopers harmed kids at border, they must pay. But spread...

Those who blanch at just about any attempt to enforce immigration laws and secure the border love to say of such policies: The cruelty...

TEXAS VIEW: Did Dan Patrick really just deliver a tax cut for the average...

How high are Texas property taxes? Just ask Google. Looking for a fresh way to explain the lopsided burden on homeowners in this state,...

TEXAS VIEW: SCOTUS ruling a victory for voting rights, democracy

For lovers of democracy, the timing was sweet and propitious. Sixteen months before the presidential election, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a ruling that protects...

TEXAS VIEW: Sweltering Texas prisons are inhumane

Under Texas law, animal shelters must keep temperatures below 85 degrees to protect dogs, cats and other creatures from extreme summer heat. Humans locked...

TEXAS VIEW: Will rear seat reminders prevent child hot car deaths?

Texans have been hearing a lot about the dangers of the scorching and humid heat this summer, particularly for workers outdoors. Now imagine being trapped...

TEXAS VIEW: New high-speed pursuit policy at the border could save lives

New rules for U.S. border agents engaged in high-speed vehicle chases are an important and long-sought step to reduce dangers in border policing. But...

TEXAS VIEW: Affirmative action is dead, Texas shows diversity is still possible

They’ve done it again. The Supreme Court has upended decades of precedent, this time with affirmative action. In a 6-3 ruling divided along ideological lines,...

TEXAS VIEW: Expanding Baby Moses law will save lives

Abandoning a baby is unfathomable to most, but not every baby is planned and welcomed into a well-resourced, loving home. That’s why we fully support...

TEXAS VIEW: Will impeachment trial of AG Ken Paxton be fair and just?

Even the most carefully crafted rules and procedures are only as good as the people using them. So, two cheers for the Texas Senate’s outline...