TEXAS VIEW: Texas’ top judge is right: Politics has no place in courtrooms

When an elected official has served in office as long and with as much distinction as Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, the...

SULLUM: Cornell’s president defends free speech against illiberal impulses

The last time I spoke at Cornell University, the turnout was tiny but attentive. Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, who graduated from Cornell a few...

TEXAS VIEW: Are Texas wind and solar really more subsidized than oil and gas?

Roughly 15 years after derricks at the Spindletop oil field first rained black gold in southeast Texas at the turn of the 20th century,...

TEXAS VIEW: Gov. Abbott’s rush to promise a pardon for Austin killer looks bad...

Texas lawmakers spend a lot of time talking about maintaining law and order, objectively and fairly, across the whole state. That includes Gov. Greg...

ESTRICH: The twilight of a legend

Dianne Feinstein, now 89 years old, has been a legend in California politics since the day she stepped in to serve as mayor of...

PROBLEM SOLVED: My American Tourister luggage is defective, how do I get it fixed?

By Christopher Elliott One of John Edmunds’ new American Tourister bags is defective. Does he have to ship it to Texas at his expense, or...

TONI SAYS: Can a clinical trial prescription drug avoid the donut hole?

By Toni King Toni: I turn 65 in May and am covered by my wife’s employer group health insurance. I’m fighting stage 3 kidney cancer and...

LANDGRAF: The Constitution, vouchers, and empowering parents

By State Rep. Brooks Landgraf As your state representative, I take seriously my oath to preserve, protect, and defend the constitutions of Texas and the...

CHAREN: Is Clarence Thomas crooked?

The journalists at ProPublica are proud of their scoop about Justice Clarence Thomas accepting scads of luxury gifts over the years from a billionaire...

GEUST VIEW: Where do all those taxes go?


By Adam N. Michel