GUEST VIEW: Price-control measures never work

By Nate Scherer Last month, House leaders took a significant step toward giving the federal government the power to regulate gasoline prices by passing the...

THE IDLE AMERICAN: Uncle Mort on the prowl

My phone pulsated with excitement that could be attributed to my Uncle Mort’s recent spate of news, both good and bad. I asked for the...

ELDER: Random satire

The California Highway Patrol denies a rumor that the prosecution dropped DUI charges against House speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. A spokesman said, “But if...

NATIONAL VIEW: The FDA is taking a historic step to reduce smoking deaths

The Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday made a decision of rare importance, concerning not a pandemic illness but the country’s leading cause of...

SULLUM: SCOTUS again upholds double prosecution and punishment for the same crime

The federal government prosecuted Merle Denezpi twice for the same crime. It also punished him twice: the first time with 140 days in a...

TEXAS VIEW: Texas must protect its mountain lions and ban footholds

A group of landowners and biologists is lobbying the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to manage mountain lion populations in the state. We hope...

CHAREN: It’s not what Trump knew, but what he had a responsibility to know

Watergate, whose 50th anniversary is upon us, is remembered for the question: "What did the president know and when did he know it?" But...


The latest surveys of consumers indicate that, as a whole, we are becoming a less optimistic lot. Because our spending on goods and services...

HART: FJB and the horse he rode in on

"I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Former Defense Secretary Robert...

HART: Roe v. Wade: Not great timing for pulling at this thread

Just when you thought the Republicans would roll over the hapless Dems in November and restore some sanity to government, the Supreme Court decides...