TEXAS VIEW: Arguing over a pregnant woman in a Texas HOV lane isn’t constructive

As the Supreme Court has turned Roe back over to the states, a fallout has ensued: Some states have banned abortion; others have said...

CHAREN: A pro-lifer and a pro-choicer do lunch

The day Dobbs was handed down, I happened to be lunching with a new friend who was upset and angry over the decision. She’s...

TEXAS VIEW: Memo to all Texans: We must conserve energy

There aren’t many ways to say this: Texans have to do a better job of conserving energy, something we don’t always do well. Whether it...

TEXAS VIEW: Texas has an education crisis brewing

The Texas Legislature is finally finishing its property tax cut package, and a third special session may be coming soon on the issue of...

CHAPMAN: Democrats should push for a federal abortion rights law

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Democrats are caught up in a war they thought they couldn’t lose,...

WORLD VIEW: The global food crisis: No time to lose

Hunger is stalking the world. Seven years ago, the United Nations vowed to eradicate it by 2030. Yet the number of people affected globally...

TONI SAYS: Social Security Disability Medicare enrollment rules

By Toni King Dear Toni, My husband has met his 24th month of being on Social Security Disability which qualifies him for Medicare. His disability is...

ESTRICH: The open road to 2024

The prospects of a rematch on the 2020 presidential race seem to grow dimmer every day. Biden versus Trump? Not likely. And that means...

TEXAS VIEW: Abbott eyes school voucher fight and we’ve got a bad case of...

Proponents of school voucher schemes have a number of reasons to cheer these days, from a Supreme Court ruling ensuring that they can be...

THE IDLE AMERICAN: On finishing well

The late Dr. Robert L. Smith and Ethelyn Hughes Smith, his bride, fell short in precious few areas of life, but when they did,...