CHAPMAN: A Nobel Peace Prize for Trump?

Appearing before Foreign Service officers and other employees at the State Department on Wednesday, Donald Trump commended them for faithfully performing their most important...

ESTRICH: Desperation behind Mueller question list leak?

It is “so disgraceful,” the president said.He was referring to the leaking of the list of 49 questions that special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly...

WILLIAMS: Before and after welfare handouts

Before the massive growth of our welfare state, private charity was the sole option for an individual or family facing insurmountable financial difficulties or...

HART: Just another week in the life of our ‘Very Stable Genius’

Trump’s favorable poll numbers went up last week. Contrary to what you hear from the mainstream media, his numbers are higher than Obama’s were...

A SHARP LIFE: With children comes new appreciation for mothers

One of the great wonders of parenting is the loads of fresh insight you gain on your parents. The problem of course is that...

ELDER: Trump’s two big advantages: Time and low expectations

Despite the daily pounding he receives from the media, President Donald Trump enjoys two advantages — low expectations and lots of time.When the opposition...

SULLUM: A forbidden remedy for veterans’ nightmares

The emotional hangover from Nigel McCourry’s seven months in Iraq as a U.S. Marine plagued him for years, keeping him up at night, troubling...

ESTRICH: The Jewish question

It was Associate Justice Elena Kagan, former solicitor general, former Harvard Law School dean and brilliant liberal, who raised the question during Wednesday’s United...

WILLIAMS: Colleges: Anti-diversity and pro-exclusion

Just within the past week or so, some shocking professorial behavior has come to light. In the wake of Barbara Bush’s death, California State...

HART: The Starbuck stops here

Liberal rip-off business Starbucks, which made its money opening stores in only affluent neighborhoods (aka redlining), all but cried last week when one of...