SULLUM: SCOTUS feigns federalism in sports betting decision

Last week, seven members of the Supreme Court agreed that Congress exceeded its powers when it passed a law that prohibited states from legalizing...

CHAREN: Making sense of Eric Schneiderman

The former attorney general of the state of New York allegedly had a pattern of slapping and choking women with whom he was intimate....

CHAPMAN: California’s boneheaded solar remedy for climate change

In the world of government policy, two chief dangers always loom. The first is people with bad intentions using every available means to achieve...

ESTRICH: The #MeToo man takes a fall

What was Eric Schneiderman thinking? That as the very ambitious attorney general of New York, he could turn himself into the patron saint of...

WILLIAMS: The Kanye problem for the Democratic Party

In the aftermath of the Kanye West dust-up, my heart goes out to the white people who control the Democratic Party. My pity stems...

HART: Bootleggers and Baptists: Time to cut spending in Washington

Given his first-hand experience with the massive size, pettiness, cost and over- reach of deep-state government in Washington, it is time for Trump to...

A SHARP LIFE: Getting away with balloon murder

I just murdered three balloons in cold helium. I guess murdered is a little strong. Euthanized might be more appropriate.Every birthday party we get...

ELDER: Democrats’ war on capitalism

Hillary Clinton recently offered yet another reason why she lost her second consecutive race for the presidency: capitalism.At the Shared Value Leadership Summit in...

SULLUM: The lethal success of pain pill restrictions

In a speech on May 7, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Justice Department is striving to “bring down” both “opioid prescriptions” and “overdose...

CHAREN: Nobel Peace Prize talk for President Trump

If President Donald Trump’s incendiary threats have actually frightened the “dear respected comrade” Kim Jong Un into laying down his nuclear arsenal, he will...