ELAM: Green energy cools a bit

Hertz is selling a third of its global electric car fleet, a major reversal after positioning itself as a champion of EV technology. Wall Street...

ELAM: The Magnificent Six?

The losses have pushed Apple’s market value down to about $2.84 trillion, nearing Microsoft’s $2.75 trillion. Yahoo Finance Apple has lost $164 billion in market capitalization...

ELAM: New petro-currencies

OK how much attention have you been paying to geopolitical events, here goes. Which of these represents the biggest challenge to U.S. ability to affect...

ELAM: Crude oil prices on the rise

While the trend cannot be said to have reversed there are positive signs of ExxonMobil and Chevron trying to put in a bottom. The...

ELAM: Market soars, mood is mixed

The House of Representatives cannot pass legislation or hold onto a Speaker but it’s getting good at impeaching Presidents. Kim Strassel, Potomac Watch WSJ Negative mood...

ELAM: Stocks rally back, EVs not so much

We have no evidence Chevron and others are doing what they need to do (lower emissions). John Kerry at the Dubai Climate Summit U.S. coal emissions...

ELAM: Best rally since 2022

China has a difficult economic problem. I don’t think it will cause China to invade Taiwan. President Joe Biden after meeting with President Xi As a...

ELAM: Rates hit new highs

Our prediction of higher oil prices from the $70 level worked well. Crude exceeded $90 this week. It is looking a bit toppy now...

ELAM: Oil gets walloped

Crude oil and gasoline prices this morning are sharply lower, with crude falling to a 4-month low and gasoline sinking to an 11-month low. Barchart.com,...

ELAM: It’s 1968 all over again

Crude oil WTIC peaked a year ago in June around $120-130. It spent twelve months falling to its 200 week Moving Average (MA) then...