ELAM: Texas bounces back

I just finished an hour webinar with Dallas Federal Reserve Economist Keith Phillips. Texas is coming back better than other states from the COVID...

ELAM: Do we really want to change America?

A more than 12,000% rally this year in dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that was set up as a joke and serves no purpose, sending its...

ELAM: Venezuela, American style

It’s a dagger pointed at the heart of free enterprise. Kim Strassel, the Chamber’s Bill Comes Due The dagger is the across the board whopping increase...

ELAM: Let’s kill the golden goose

Stocks dropped on news reports that President Biden is considering nearly doubling the capital gains taxes on the wealthy. Gains Tax Talk Hits Stocks, WSJ...

ELAM: Enjoy the mania while it lasts

Dogecoin is up 400% this past week. The IPO of Coinbase renders its CEO an instant $17 billion, now that’s some coin! Robinhood brokerage...

ELAM: Meet the real winners

Rep. Jim Clyburn, an influential figure in South Carolina politics, endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020. Clyburn’s endorsement came ahead...

ELAM: FED is behind the curve and out of balance

Team Biden and Jerome Powell, FED Chair, are blaming everyone except themselves for inflation and the resulting higher interest rates and gasoline prices. Let’s take...