DAWNINGS: Pray for peace

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks

Pastor, Connection Christian Church

And the LORD will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

-Isaiah 2:4

Years ago our dear friends needed someone to come along with them on their Hawaii trip to take care of their infant daughter. So my husband Joe and I volunteered for this very cushy nanny job! We flew into Honolulu on December 7. As we took in the beauty of the Big Island from the sky, it hit us: it was Pearl Harbor Day, and here we were. The next day, we visited the shrine there and paid our respects to those buried at sea, very young men, victims of an act of war and terror that shook the nation.

What was especially powerful was being on the tour with a boat full of people, many who were American, about half European-American and half Japanese-American, as well as some people who were visiting from Japan. The mood was somber as we considered that we were visiting a watery mass grave. Then our tour guide said something like, “After years of enmity, now the country of Japan and its people are among the United States’ greatest allies.” Small smiles began to pass between people. A man began to clap. Others joined in. We were celebrating together the overcoming of a barrier no one could have fathomed overcoming for many generations.

Recently my family and I were decorating our Christmas tree and listening to some oldies Christmas music. “O Come, All Ye Faithful” came on, the version sung by Bing Crosby. That album is from 1942, created during World War 2. I thought about those who sang that song through such hard times and trusted that God would make a way for peace to come on this earth. During this current era of violence and enmity, I am grateful that we too can choose to “Come, All Ye Faithful” and take the long view. Join with me in praying for peace, and trusting God to bring reconciliation in the toughest of places. For still the Lord is leading us, and peace again is on its way.