By Dr. Jimmy Braswell

Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa

A profound concept of Grief Recovery found in all counseling done for survivors of an important loss is the developing of a new Self-Identity; of a life without the loved one.

After another year of dealing with the COVID virus, loss of family and the drastic changes in our lives which has come; as a result, we are experiencing a change of Identity.

As we enter a new year there are some tools we can use to help us adjust to this new Identity.

One would be to reconnect with people; people who are still in our lives.

We need to recommit, nurture those relationships and build new ones. We need new places. To see some things differently — even if it is as small as driving a new way to work — see some new places.

We need to do new work — to start again if necessary, to dream again, and find our “calling” to new jobs and involvement of our lives in the world. And last, we need to find a new attitude about all that’s happened and is happening.

To find meaning in the world and life again — basically to pray, love, work and play; to find our place; catch our balance and live a new year.