OUR VIEW: Disgusting antics don’t represent most Odessans

THE POINT: Last week’s primary elections are in the books, and this newspaper has a couple of observations to make.

First and foremost, we wish to congratulate those candidates who won their respective primary battles. And we also want to thank their opponents. By-and-large these races were constructive ones, in which the candidates did a good job of arguing the issues in a spirited but civil manner, something that ultimately enabled voters to make decisions that were better informed.

That is a good thing.

And then there was the GOP primary race for District 81 state representative between incumbent Brooks Landgraf and challenger Casey Gray. Landgraf captured 80 percent of the votes cast. The landslide was the largest margin of victory for Landgraf to date.

But it will take a month’s worth of showers and a lot of soap to wash off all the slime that was concocted and flung about in this race by Gray and his supporters.

We won’t repeat the despicable charges slandered around against Landgraf. This community has had all it can stomach of that. Landgraf’s attackers took a primary race and turned it into porn. And the massive margin of victory for Landgraf only proves that many in this community don’t approve of this sort of “campaign.”

But it bears noting, because it represents what has become a growing dark side of local politics. And it will only get worse until enough people stand up and call it out.

Wake up, folks. If what happened in this recent race disgusted you, then you need to look at those who supported Gray. Take note of who donated to his campaign, essentially providing the fuel for such a disgusting display of trying to win at all costs. And then you need to ask yourself, “Why would I ever give any credence to anything these people would ever say again?”

Central in this sleaze fest, has been the “executive board” of the Ector County Republican Party. We put quotations around “executive board,” because their actions more aptly resemble those of a backroom, good-old-boy political machine or a local political goon squad.

Some of the board’s members have ties to larger statewide groups such as Texas Scorecard and Empower Texans, and their local antics are straight out of those groups’ collective playbook: They say they are all about accountability when actually they are all about total political control. And they have proven they will stop at nothing to achieve such control. They will try to chew up and spit out anyone that fails to kneel at their feet.

They have tried to take control of Commissioners Court, City Council and even the Odessa Development Corp. And they will continue to do so, harassing elected or appointed officials until they get what or who they want.

Ronald Reagan famously invoked what he called the 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”

But members of the local GOP executive board have been on a crusade to eat their own, working overtime to destroy the political and personal reputations of those deemed heretics by their political cult.

The latest onslaught against Landgraf was the worst yet, but it certainly is not the first. These groups have been after him like a rabid dog since he was first elected to the Legislature. All because he refused to be their errand boy.

The local GOP party executive board has seen more than its share of controversy. Many in the local party don’t approve of their antics and assert they do not truly represent the local party. But that doesn’t keep the kingpins from trying to rule with an iron fist.

Take, for example, their latest stunt. In the waning days of the recent primary campaigns, the board summoned Landgraf to appear before them and address the garbage that was being circulated by Gray and his supporters, including members of the executive board. Of course, this star chamber met behind closed doors. When this newspaper inquired as to who was actually in attendance, no answer was forthcoming.

Landgraf refused to attend, saying he did not work for the group but for his constituents. He wouldn’t take the bait. Bravo.

Funny, Gray has plenty of baggage on his plate, including pending legal matters in Wisconsin. But the executive board didn’t summon him for a similar show trial.

The sad thing about all of this is that it is eroding good government here in Ector County and beyond. Good men and women are already opting out of service, because they have been worn down or scared off by these thugs, who then insert their candidates who serve them rather than the people they are supposed to represent.

It has been theorized that this was one reason State Sen. Kel Seliger chose not to run for another term.

So, take note of all this, folks. Think about it. Remember who did and said and supported what and whom.

And stand up to the bullies.