The CDC says there are around 45,000 annual U.S. gun deaths with murder being 43%, suicide 54%, and Police shootings a little more than 1%. There’s no account for the remaining less-than 2%. The CDC doesn’t give an exact number for “Mass” shootings so I’ll place the number at that 2%. If we track deaths in the U.S. from tobacco, alcohol, other suicides, drugs, and abortions it comes to an annual number of 1.5 million. Politicians would take guns away from people who have nothing to do with the 45,000 gun death while allowing gun criminals guilty of murder to run free. Those same politicians either stand by and do nothing and/or do things to support many of the 1.5 million deaths listed- which is something to think about before you head to the election booths in November. Also, please pray for the 50 Catholics killed in Nigeria while at Mass on June 5th… you know… the killings some of those politicians want us to believe only happen here in the U.S.

James R. Le Blanc

Fort Davis