HART: Not a red wave — Maybe a pink wave?

It looks like the GOP took back the House, and it will be a month or more before we know the results in the Senate. It was a big night for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; his impressive win in purple Florida sets the tone for the 2024 presidential race. You can tell if he really did as well as it seems if the FBI raids his home soon.

Democracy is like the McRib: It comes and goes mysteriously every two years or so and it is confusing. And, like politicians, once the McRib is reintroduced with a big ad campaign, you remember months later why you didn’t like it in the first place.

Across the country, some folks waited in line only to find that when they anxiously got to the front, the voting machines were broken. Our country is like McDonald’s and the voting machines are like their ice cream machines: You can stand patiently in line and, without warning or explanation, the staff tells you they are broken.

Sadly, our politics seem to be less and less about issues. With inflation, crime and open borders, one would think the GOP would have rolled over the Dems in this election. But I guess like at McDonald’s, voters stand in line and, without much thought, order the same thing they have been conditioned to order every time.

Worldwide, it was a good night for conservatives. “Bibi” Netanyahu and his right-wing party won a surprisingly big win in Israel. He, too, is like a McRib: He makes splashy comebacks when least expected, is a little bit greasy, and there are zero actual pork products in him.

Enough with the McDonalds’ comparisons. Promise.

What we learned is what I warned about earlier in the year. The hard right part of the GOP overplayed its hand on abortion with the Supreme Court ruling. You cannot be a party of minimum government, individual responsibility and personal choice (vaccines, schools, etc.), and yet try to severely limit what women can do on abortion. The country is about 70% pro-choice in some form. The GOP lost suburban women in Georgia and Pennsylvania over that, and it cost them those Senate races.

There were some bright spots and anomalies for the GOP. Nancy Pelosi’s right-hand man from New York, Sean Patrick Maloney (I think he is Greek), lost to a Republican over crime in Gotham City. This came right after the New York Marathon when the starter gun was fired and drew return fire from gangs. It was bad. Several folks thought they had won the race, only to find out that they had run through crime scene tape and not the finish line. Out of habit, NYPD arrested the Kenyan runner fleeing the scene.

With inflation so bad, you do not even have to get robbed on the streets of New York. Just go into a supermarket and try to pay for groceries.

The fact that Frankenstein monster-like poser Fetterman won in Pennsylvania is sad. Voters elected a mentally slow, medically challenged, stroke victim who incoherently spews inane left-wing talking points fed him by his handlers. This makes me think maybe Biden also won Pennsylvania. Apparently they have a type.

Most of us thought the GOP would do better. Biden is a buffoon, but the Dems control most of the media. Biden can lie and say gas prices were $5 a gallon when he took office and that we are not in a recession. The mainstream media will run cover for him by repeating his lies. Occasionally Biden has to reel in the media when they twist his words by quoting him verbatim. There is no place for that in modern journalism.

So, we are going to have a run-off in Georgia. Expect another influx of hundreds of millions of dollars in out-of-state Democrat money to flood the state to help Georgians elect “their representative.” The media ads will remain very mean and personal toward Herschel.

If the election does not go Democrats’ way and the party of “election deniers” wins, once again store owners will have to board up their businesses to avoid being damaged and looted when the results come out on December 6 — just in case the party of harmony, acceptance, tolerance and peace does not win.