HART: Hunter Biden indicted: No word on the bribes

In the Washington D.C. “Swamp,” where the only currencies are influence and access, Hunter Biden has been grifting for Biden, Inc. for decades.

Things were going well for Hunter’s act. Then it imploded when he left his hooker-, drug- and kickback-filled laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware four years ago. The laptop is a roadmap to the illegal activities of the Biden family for anyone who wants to see. Yet the DOJ and the permanent “Deep State,” with the help of a mainstream media, have ignored it. They’ve blissfully been able to look the other way.

Every morning, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson would produce evidence to put Hunter in jail. Then MSNBC and ABC would set him free on the evening news. Some of his influence peddling was in Ukraine, a.k.a. the Democrat’s ATM. Ukraine and other nefarious, breakoff Soviet oligarch-based countries are all white nations. So, with no racial differences to exploit, Democrats can only grift there.

Hunter claims he is just a lowly artist, scratching out a living with his finger paintings. He sells them at $500k a pop to despot leaders and DNC donors who seem to admire his work.

He is not an artist of course, he is a grifter from a family structured to grift and with the money going to “The Big Guy,” Joe Biden. For decades, the “artist formerly known as Hunter Biden” involved his dad and his Uncle Jim, Joe’s brother, in an easy to unwind web of deceit. Jim was a night club owner who was accused of various frauds. What better bag man is there than a nightclub owner?

After trying to cover all this up in Delaware with a “sweetheart” plea deal with friendly, pro-Biden/DNC prosecutors, one honest judge exposed it. So — back to square one.

In short, Hunter Biden will now be indicted for not paying taxes on $1.6 mil of shady bribe money. Of course, no one is looking at the bribes. It’s like pulling a guy over for speeding, finding fentanyl and a dead body in the trunk, and not asking any further questions. The cop just hands the driver his license back and says, “Drive safely.”

Hunter is emboldened; his prostitute-filled drug orgies, paid for by this untaxed bribe money, are fine with him. He will probably say the hookers were just giving him tax advice. To be fair, the prostitutes did handle his extension.

There is hope for Hunter. If he can fight the IRS and get it to agree that hookers, drugs and sex club memberships are deductible and that bribe money is untaxable, he will be given a Kennedy Award in Washington and the Nobel Prize for Economics in Sweden.

Unlike Trump, who is getting indicted in more than 90% Democrat cities by left-wing, Soros-funded district attorneys, Hunter should get a favorable jury trial in California (where apparently nothing is illegal anymore) and DC.

So where does Jumpin’ Joe Biden fit into these familial intrigues? He says he has never known anything about his son’s “business.” He said he never spoke to any of Hunter’s marks. But when caught in the lie, Joe said, “Well, we just talked about the weather.” This was enough to make MSNBC, CBS News and ABC News look away, convinced that this story should only be covered by the Weather Channel.

Do we really believe that Hunter and Joe only talked about the weather and not interests who gave them tens of millions of dollars? Maybe Joe told Hunter to “go make it rain” for the family business.

This is all shaping up to be a deal where Hunter admits to being on drugs and forgetting to report tens of millions in shady foreign income. There is no way a jury of his peers in L.A. or D.C. would put him in jail for hookers and blow. He will say he is now a recovered addict and let’s let bygones be bygones. Thankfully Joe Biden is not an alcoholic, because his recovery would be difficult. He has proven that he cannot do 12-Steps.

Hunter’s actions may amuse us and his misadventures entertain us in the political circus of D.C. They have so little respect for us that they know an old, connected Democrat family who sheltered close to the Obamas, and they know we are all just spectators to their three-ring circus.

Even with his troubles, Hunter Biden keeps up with the news of the day. He has watched TV for days just trying to see Gaza strip.