WTS presents ‘Sounds of the Season’

The West Texas Symphony will kickoff the holiday season with its popular “Sounds of the Season” concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center featuring the symphony orchestra, instrumental chamber ensembles, choral groups and the Baker family. (Courtesy Photo)

This weekend, the West Texas Symphony will kickoff the holiday season with its popular “Sounds of the Season” concert.

The concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center featuring the symphony orchestra, instrumental chamber ensembles, choral groups and the Baker family.

“This is always one of my favorite programs of the year because it features our entire organization and the chamber ensembles,” West Texas Symphony Conductor Gary Lewis said. “It’s such a wonderful community event. It’s always a delight to be able to share the beginning of the holiday season with a great community. It’s one of the most enjoyable concerts for me.”

Tickets for the concert can be purchased online at tinyurl.com/3u8x4mw8.

While Lewis said some of the selections are different this year, there will still be the seasonal favorites that should appeal to almost everyone.

“It shows the breadth of the musical offerings that we can provide for the Permian Basin,” Lewis said. “I’m so proud of the entire organization. You have to love the fact that it not only features the orchestra, but also the chorale and the chamber ensembles.”

The chamber ensembles include the Lone Star Brass, the West Texas Winds and the String Quartet.

“These are first-rate chamber groups that a lot of folks don’t get to hear on a regular basis,” Lewis said. “They have a featured spot. I love that it features the smaller groups as well.”

“Sounds of the Season” is a part of the West Texas Symphony’s Pops and Family Series.

The symphony’s next concert will be its Masterworks Series on Feb. 3 featuring Ben Fairfield on trumpet.

Following that will be another concert from the Pops and Family Series featuring famous jazz pianist Wally Minko on March 2.

The spring portion of the West Texas Symphony’s schedule will continue with “Brahms” on April 13, featuring Reuben Kebede on violin.

The 2023-24 season will conclude with “Fantasy!” on May 4.

All concerts take place at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center.

For more information about the West Texas Symphony and the upcoming shows, go to tinyurl.com/zarhbwp8.

If you go

  • What: West Texas Symphony’s “Sounds of the Season.”
  • When: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2.
  • Where: Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center.
  • Where to purchase tickets: tinyurl.com/3u8x4mw8