WILSON: Resolutions for a New Year

By Denny Wilson

Preacher for Parkview Church of Christ

As we draw closer to the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, most of us begin to think about New Year’s resolutions. One might choose changes for their life such as losing weight, saving money, finding a new job, or learning a new hobby. Let us use the opportunity to make positive changes to our lives.

Resolve to know, love, and obey God more fully. Study the Bible daily. Attend worship services at every opportunity. Spend time in prayer each day. Use your time and energy to impact the world around us through our words and actions.

Renew your mind and focus by filling your mind with the right information. There are so many distractions in this world that not only keep us from the things that matter most, but also fill our minds with unhealthy and unholy thoughts. Reading the Bible, listening to sermons and Bible classes, listening to and singing beautiful hymns, and meditating on the principles of God will fill us with the information that will help us grow and develop our faith.

Recharge your batteries so that you have the energy, focus, and commitment to be faithful in your daily life. The Christian is to be a soldier on the battlefield wearing the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:-17). This armor is not for show. It is armor so the Christian soldier can get to work for the Lord. We must let our lights shine for God, not hide them under the bushel basket. With batteries recharged, I can pour my energy into bringing others to Christ and glory to God.

Refresh my soul through the people I spend time with who will encourage me in my daily fight. The apostle Paul praised Philemon for refreshing his heart in the Lord (Phile. 1:20). He said the Onesiphorus often refreshed him (2 Tim. 1:16-18). Let us surround ourselves with people who refresh us and be a refresher of persons to others.

2023 will be the best year of your life if you will resolve, renew, recharge, and refresh your soul.