Wildfire preparedness is year-round campaign

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. A Forest Service press release detailed the 2022 wildfire season off to an early start in New Mexico. It is vital to have an emergency kit and an evacuation plan in place for you and your family.

The 2022 Wildfire Preparedness is Year-Round campaign provides monthly wildfire preparedness tasks that follow the changing seasons. The May message from the Lincoln National Forest, the counties and non-governmental organizations is, “Wildfire Season is Here, Pack a Go-Bag and Keep it Near.”

Whether a person lives in the wildland-urban interface or in a rural area in the mountains, communication is key during wildfire season. Be sure to register with local government’s emergency management office for text or email notifications and connect with the county or city’s social media. The Ready, Set, Go! New Mexico program provides tips and tools to prepare for a wildfire emergency and create a personal action plan.

Ready – Get Ready

>> Create a family disaster plan that includes meeting locations and communication plans and rehearse it regularly. Include the evacuation of large animals, such as horses, in your plan.

>> Put together an emergency supply kit or go-bag. The NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Preparedness Guide is a good resource for items to include. Keep an extra kit in your vehicle. Don’t forget important family documents like birth certificates, wills, deeds and insurance policies.

Set – Be Prepared to Go

>> Monitor fire weather conditions and fire status. See inciweb.nwcg.gov and nmfireinfo.com. Stay tuned to local TV and radio stations for updates and check official information sources on the internet.

>> Have an evacuation plan for your family and pets in place, and make sure all family members have a copy of evacuation and contact information.

>> Load your supplies and go-bags in your vehicle.

Go – Act Early, Evacuate

>> Do not wait for someone to arrive at your house and tell you to leave. If there is a possible threat to your home or evacuation route leave immediately. Leave early enough to avoid being caught in fire, smoke or road congestion. If you don’t follow the Go order, understand that emergency services may not be able to assist you.

>> Head to a predetermined location in a low-risk area, such as a relative’s house, Red Cross shelter or evacuation center, motel or school. Identify several routes in case your first choice is closed due to the fire.