Water to be available at Target parking lot Wednesday afternoon

People in Odessa that will be in need for fresh water will have another option.

Starting at 3 p.m. today, up to 2,000 gallons of fresh water will be available in the parking lot at Target on 42nd street.

Alvaro Leyva of Advanced Pressure Washing Services in Odessa and Miguel Perez will both be distributing the water.

“We both have our own businesses with fresh water and pressure water stations,” Leyva said. “We’ll be trying to give back to the community. Water is what we do every day so if we can give back to the community, then why not help if we’re available and have the chance to.”

Everyone is welcomed to bring water jugs and whatever water containers that need to be filled.

They will go until they run out.

“We’re going to go as late as we can until people need it,” Leyva said.

Leyva, who usually delivers water to customers all over the Permian Basin, says it’s been a pretty hectic 24 hours since the water line break forced the city of Odessa to shut down the water as citizens have grappled with the boil advisory that’s still in effect for the area.

“We do it every day,” Leyva said. “I’m delivering water right now to customers that own gardens and trees off 42nd and Dixie. If it wasn’t for us, their trees and shrubs would’ve been dead by now. … We didn’t call it a night until midnight last night. It was pretty late. We had to help as many people as we could.”