VILLATORO: Agent 007

By Rev. Gian Carlo Villatoro

Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa

Maybe you remember his introduction — “Bond, James Bond” and that set the theme for this special secret agent. Yes, indeed a handsome, smart, strong, and vibrant man who always knew how to handle himself and any circumstances around him. All that with the purpose of accomplishing the assigned mission.

Naturally, as all fictional heroes, Bond was one with extraordinary abilities that allowed him to submit the enemy under the control of the kingdom, in order to protect its people, and quite often, saving the world.

As corny as it might sound, that is exactly the task assigned to each believer: Handle himself, and any circumstances around him, with extraordinary abilities to allow him to submit the enemy under the control of God’s Kingdom, in order to protect God’s people, and to save the world.

I know you don’t see yourself as such, but let me assure you that the enemy is real, that there are people in danger, and that your participation might be a way to save the world.

I really don’t care how anyone and everyone sees you, because what really matters is how our Lord God sees you. Not even your own view about yourself represents a real dilemma to the Lord God when He decides to powerfully use you.

With the enormous capacity to love, and the unexplainable passion that you possess, take your own heart as a living offering to our Supreme King and tell Him, “My Lord, Majesty, my King, here I am to do Your will. With all devotion and admiration for You, your humble servant, says to You, my Lord, my life is Yours. Do with my life however it pleases You.”