Terracon Foundation awards $4,000 grant to UTPB

MIDLAND The Terracon Foundation announced a $4,000 grant to the University of Texas Permian Basin to help create a civil engineering curriculum based on Midland-Odessa’s workforce needs.

“A civil engineering program is desperately needed in Midland and west Texas, where infrastructures are several decades behind compared to neighboring big cities,” said Jon Sheng, P.E., Midland office manager in Terracon’s Texas Division. “A civil engineering program at UT Permian Basin will produce civil engineers to address the area’s infrastructure problems as well as provide prospective employees that Terracon’s Midland office needs.”

The University of Texas Permian Basin is a public institution founded in 1973 and serves a diverse community of students. Forty-two percent of the student population are first-generation college students. UTPB is focused on serving the region and providing relevant academic programs that support workforce needs, a news release said. The College of Engineering offers bachelor’s programs in chemical, electrical, mechanical, and petroleum engineering and a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. Learn more at utpb.edu.

The Terracon Foundation encourages employees to submit grant requests each year for organizations focused on education as well as the built and natural environment. To date, the Terracon Foundation has granted nearly $4 million to community organizations, universities, dependents of employees, and disaster relief efforts.