Pfluger votes no on H.R. 3755 bill

WASHINGTON DC Congressman August Pfluger (Tx-11) voted no on H.R. 3755, a bill that would legalize abortion up until birth nationwide, a press release stated Friday.

“It is heartbreaking to imagine, but Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat-majority in the House have passed a bill to legalize abortion up until birth nationwide,” said Congressman Pfluger. “Removing all pro-life protections for the unborn makes the United States one of the few countries in the world—alongside China and North Korea—to allow elective abortions until birth. This grotesque bill dismantles all efforts of Texas lawmakers to protect unborn babies and violates the consciences of the vast majority of Americans who support life and are completely opposed to their taxpayer dollars going to fund abortions. I am unapologetically pro-life and stand ready to give my voice to the voiceless and do everything in my reach to ensure this bill never becomes law.”