Perinatal center gets new ultrasound system

Odessa Regional Medical Center announced Friday that its Perinatal Centers in Odessa and Midland recently enhanced their imaging capabilities with the purchase of seven new Philips EPIQ Elite ultrasound systems.

“This premium ultrasound performance can make a meaningful difference in clinical practice,” Stacey Brown, president of ORMC said in a news release. “These new machines create images with exceptional frame rate and uniformity. This will allow our team to get you the answers you need about your baby, fast and accurately. With this $1.5 million investment in our community, our providers can see images that elevate tissue definition and clarity to new levels which is important when performing critical fetal assessments.”

EPIQ Elite leads the industry in doppler imaging with a full range of PureWave and xMATRIX transducers for excellent detail resolution, superb Doppler sensitivity and exceptional shear wave elastography performance. Other advances include MicroFlow Imaging for remarkable sensitivity and detail in assessing blood flow, seamlessly integrated contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and fusion capabilities, the release said.

The Regional Perinatal Center has two locations in Midland and Odessa.

In Odessa, it is at 420 E. Sixth St., Suite 202; (432) 582-8757; and in Midland it is at 4911 Andrews Highway, Suite A; (432) 689-0210.