OCTECHS top 2 eager for next chapter

OCTECHS valedictorian Lexie Arroyo and salutatorian Arlynn Villarreal pose for a photo during graduation rehearsal May 16 in the Odessa College Sports Center. Both are looking forward to what's next after commencement. (Ruth Campbell|Odessa American)

Lexie Arroyo and Arlynn Villarreal, valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively, at OCTECHS are excited about their achievements and looking forward to the next chapter in their lives.

Graduation was May 17 in the Odessa College Sports Center, which can be viewed here.

Arroyo hasn’t decided what school she’ll be attending, but Villarreal plans to go to Texas Tech University, study business administration and go on to law school.

Arroyo began working on a spot in the top 10 sophomore year when she found out about class ranks.

“I’m very excited and I’m proud of myself for being able to get in the position that I am today,” she said.

Villarreal said she was very excited and grateful to have this opportunity to attend OCTECHS.

Both said they feel nervous, but excited about the future and what their lives have in store for them.

Arroyo and Villarreal have gone to OCTECHS for all four years. They both earned an associate degree in criminal justice.

“I thought it was a great opportunity not only to graduate high school, but graduate college with a specific degree in something that I want to do,” Arroyo said.

“I thought it was going to give me a head start in life.”

Villarreal said she would encourage others to go to OCTECHS.

Arroyo said she would tell students who want to be in the top 10 or top 2 to focus on school, get good grades and participate in activities that school has to offer.

Villarreal added that students should use their time wisely.

“If you ever need help, the teachers will work with you,” she added.

Arroyo said there was competition among the top 10 from the start to the end.

Among the clubs and organizations they were involved in were Student Council, Spirit Club, Book Club, National Honor Society, Phi Theta Kappa and Prom Committee.

“Both ladies are outstanding and I am certain they will succeed at he highest levels with whatever career they choose to pursue. We will miss them here at OCTECHS, but wish them well as they enter the next chapter of their life,” Principal Karl Miller said.