NTO sets up Free Little Art Gallery

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George H.W. Bush New Tech Odessa’s National Art Honor Society has set up Odessa’s first Free Little Art Gallery (FLAG).

FLAGs were created around the world in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and were inspired by the Free Little Libraries’ initiative. The idea is to have contactless galleries around the world to spread the word about the significance of art and make it approachable and accessible.

Free Little Art Galleries enable people to take art, leave art and love art.

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At NTO’s FLAG, you will find an eclectic collection of art: canvases, bookmarks, earrings, painted rocks, drawings, watercolors, bracelets, keychains, sketchbooks, art activities and much more. People can take what they like from the gallery free and/or if you have any art pieces that you want to leave for someone else to have; or if you want to come and just enjoy and look at what art teacher Jesus Valeriano has curated for the week.

NTO’s National Art Honor Society members, under Valeriano’s supervision, work to keep the gallery stocked, but everyone is welcome to provide/donate their own art pieces for others to have.

Valeriano found inspiration in this and decided to promote FLAG in the community by opening the first station at New Tech Odessa where art students, NAHS members, and more are giving back to the community while promoting art literacy.

Valeriano and his students hope to see other schools and community members create their own FLAGs.

For more information on the NTO FLAG, to ask for help on how to setup and start your own FLAG, email: [email protected].