Nonprofits come together to help homeless, low-income Midlanders

The Point in Time count will take place Jan. 25 during a Resource Fair at the Salvation Army, 600 E. Wall St., Midland.

The event provides an opportunity for the homeless in Midland to be counted, and several non-profit organizations will be in attendance to share how they can help those in the homeless community.

The Resource Fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and lunch will be served from noon to 12:45 p.m.

Organizations that have committed to the fair include: West Texas VA Supportive Housing Program, PermiaCare Community Health Worker, 2-1-1, Workforce Solutions, Casa De Amigos, Midland Health Department, The Field’s Edge, Basin Dream Center, Midland Memorial Hospital – Behavioral Health, Midland College Counseling, Midland Human Coalition, Cricket, West Texas Food Bank Social Services and The Salvation Army.

Midland Health Services will have flu shots and COVID shots (the COVID shots will be available only to those that do not have insurance).

West Texas Food Bank will help those that need to sign up for SNAP benefits. Midland Humane Coalition will have food and toys for pets to give away to those in attendance. Cricket will have phones for low-income people.