LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Vote yes for the ECISD bonds

My name is David Simpson, and I have been a life-long Odessan. Going to public school in the 70s and 80s, then off to university and life as a freshly minted adult. I returned to Odessa in 1992 and joined my long-time family business, Jim’s Tall & Big Men’s Shop, focusing on the future. In that time, we as a community have seen many ups and downs, but we have always been growing. Today I felt the need to implore all the citizens of our City and Ector County to support both items on the upcoming ECISD Bond election.

Proposition 1 is for the funding of infrastructure repairs, building renovations, and technology upgrades throughout the entire district. This incentive is aimed at the entirety of the school district affecting all ECISD students now and in the future. It also includes a badly needed state-of-the-art Career & Technical Education center.

Proposition 2 is for the creation of a new comprehensive academic high school in response to our current high school level overcrowding and future population growth trends.

Ector County has not built a new full service academic and extracurricular high school since the Eisenhower Administration. OHS and PHS have been expanded and redesigned multiple times, with the addition of portable out-buildings to expand services to hold, on average, 2750 to 3000 students from 9th to 12th grade. As a school district we are currently averaging more than 4000 students for each of these schools. We currently have 38 teachers between both high schools, who have no existing classroom space. They must set up in classrooms not in use during another teacher’s conference period, find areas in cafeterias, libraries, and even hallway alcoves to convene and teach classes. This overcrowding does not create a positive teaching environment and it has serious negative impacts on teaching efficiency, classroom discipline, and the educational and social environment for the students themselves.

I know increasing taxes is never a popular idea, but this is not a fee or punishment. This is an INVESTMENT into the lives of our Children and the FUTURE of our community. Everyone knows that the greatest way to improve socio-economic growth and reduce poverty is through effective education and preparations for adult opportunities. By increasing the taxable rate by approximately $12.00 per month on every $100,000.00 of valuation, we are brightening the future for not only ourselves now but the future of the entire Permian Basin.

I will close with a lesson my Mother and Father imparted to me when we started our business in downtown Odessa in 1973. They told me the people of West Texas are strong and caring, and have always looked to each other to pave the way for the future. These people have always risked Investing in themselves and their community knowing that they, and their children, will reap the greatest rewards going forward.

David Simpson
