LANDGRAF: Happy Mother’s Day!

By State Rep. Brooks Landgraf

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Texas moms out there! Especially to the two most special and beautiful moms in my life: my mother, Beverly, and my wife, Shelby who’s an amazing mother to our daughter, Hollis Rose. Both of them are a true blessing to my family, and I am grateful every day to have them in my life.

My mother and wife have always been a source of strength and resiliency. They have shown all of their children the purest form of love at every moment. How could they not? As the saying goes, “mothers hold their children’s hand for a moment, but their hearts for a lifetime.”

Mothers are the rock we often lean on and the fortress that protects our families. They love unconditionally since our time in the womb and are the guiding hand that can provide comfort and serenity in times of need.

We all have something to learn from them. Mothers are an inspiration and the ultimate example of selflessness, strength, courage and love.

Mothers, on behalf of every daughter, son, and father – thank you. We could not be where we are today without you. We know your job is not always easy and we appreciate everything that you do.

Also, I know that Mother’s Day can also be a bittersweet time—and even a tough time—for those whose mother is no longer with us on earth. I pray for your comfort today, and hope that you find peace in the fact that your mother’s best traits live on in you.

A single day is not sufficient to show our gratitude for your sacrifice, however, it is my hope that we may continue to strive to honor you at every opportunity. May you feel all the outpouring love you so absolutely deserve, on your special day today and every day.

God bless Texas!