Congressman Pfluger votes against gun restriction bills

Congressman August Pfluger voted against H.R. 7910 and H.R. 2377, two gun restriction bills this week, a press release stated.

He spoke on the House Floor opposing the measures and presenting common-sense solutions to increase school safety.

His remarks were attached in the release and can be seen in the video below along with a full transcript.


“M. Speaker,

I rise today as a Texan, a father of three young girls who go to school, and a defender of Constitutional Rights.

This isn’t just about “doing something” this is about doing something that matters.

The horror of school shootings is an unforgivable tragedy due to the evil we see in people. There is room for bipartisan solutions, but Democrats don’t want to make Law, they want to make politics.

Republicans offered an alternative bill that would fund school resource officers and mental health counselors, close gaps in school security, and strengthen active shooter preparations, with all costs being offset by unused state and local COVID funds. Unfortunately, it is being blocked by House Democrats.

There is nothing more important than ensuring our children are safe. I know this because I take my children to school—drop them off and pick them up. But in no way are the recent tragedies justification for the Left to infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans.

I won’t support legislation that results in those rights being stripped without due process. This is an emotional issue, but it’s our job to step back and have an adult conversation.”